Fluke MET/CAL Procedure ============================================================================= INSTRUMENT: Fluke 865: (1 year) CAL VER /5500 INSTRUMENT: Fluke 867: (1 year) CAL VER /5500 DATE: 21-Aug-98 AUTHOR: Fluke Corporation REVISION: $Revision: 1.2 $ ADJUSTMENT THRESHOLD: 70% NUMBER OF TESTS: 62 NUMBER OF LINES: 327 CONFIGURATION: Fluke 5500A STANDARD: Fluke PM 5139 STANDARD: Fluke 85 ============================================================================= # # Source: # Fluke 86X Performance Test Procedure, Preliminary, February 1995 # # Compatibility: # 5500/CAL 4.0 or MET/CAL 4.0 or later # # Subprocedures: # None # # Required Files: # None # # System Specifications: # TUR calculation is based on specification interval of the accuracy file. # The default 5500A accuracy file contains 90 day specs. # # Fluke makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the fitness # or suitability of this procedure in the customer's application. # # The 90 day specifications of the 5500A are used in TUR computations. # STEP FSC RANGE NOMINAL TOLERANCE MOD1 MOD2 3 4 CON 1.001 ASK- R P F W 1.002 STD Fluke PM 5139 1.003 STD Fluke 85 1.004 ASK+ K 1.005 HEAD EQUIPMENT SETUP 1.006 DISP [32] WARNING 1.006 DISP HIGH VOLTAGE is used or exposed during the performance 1.006 DISP of this calibration. DEATH ON CONTACT may result if 1.006 DISP personnel fail to observe safety precautions. 1.007 DISP No warm-up time requirement. 1.007 DISP Ambient temperature: 18C - 28C. 1.007 DISP Relative humidity: less than 90%. 1.008 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to SET UP. 1.008 DISP 1.008 DISP Next Item (Soft Key 1) and left and right arrow keys 1.008 DISP (Soft Keys 2 & 3) to select: 1.008 DISP [32] Trigger Single 1.009 HEAD {RMS AC VOLTAGE TESTS} 1.010 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to VAC. 1.011 DISP Connect the 5500A to the UUT as follows: 1.011 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL HI to UUT Volt Ohm Diode 1.011 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL LO to UUT COM 1.012 HEAD RMS AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {300mV Range} 1.013 5500 300 30.00mV 0.55U 20H SI 2W 2.001 5500 300 290.00mV 1.55U 30kH SI 2W #! WARNING: Test Tol 0.00155, Sys Tol 0.000388, TUR 3.9948 (< 4.00). 3.001 5500 300 100.00mV 6.00U 100kH SI 2W 4.001 5500 300 200.00mV 18.00U 200kH SI 2W 5.001 5500 300 50.00mV 7.00U 300kH SI 2W 6.001 HEAD RMS AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {3V Range} 6.002 DISP Press the RANGE button. 6.002 DISP Press Range up (Soft Key 2) to select the 3V range. 6.003 5500 3 0.1500V 0.0033U 20H SI 2W 7.001 5500 3 1.0000V 0.1200U 300kH SI 2W 8.001 HEAD RMS AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {Peak Hold} 8.002 5500 2.828Vp 10kH SI S 2W 8.003 DISP Press the RANGE button. 8.003 DISP Select Peak Hold (Soft Key 2). 8.004 5500 3 2.828Vp 0.342U 10kH SI 2W 9.001 DISP De-select Peak Hold. 9.002 HEAD RMS AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {30V Range} 9.003 DISP Press the RANGE button. 9.003 DISP Press up twice (Soft Key 2) to select the 30V range. 9.004 5500 30 29.000V 0.155U 10kH SI 2W 10.001 5500 30 3.200V 4% 0.200U 200kH SI 2W 11.001 HEAD RMS AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {300V Range} 11.002 DISP Press Range up (Soft Key 2) to select the 300V range. 11.003 5500 300 15.00V 0.33U 20H SI 2W 12.001 5500 300 290.00V 0.5% 0.10U 20kH SI 2W 13.001 HEAD RMS AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {1000V Range} 13.002 DISP Press Range up (Soft Key 2) to select the 1000V range. 13.003 5500 1000 1000.00V 16.0U 50H SI 2W 14.001 HEAD {AVG AC VOLTAGE TESTS} 14.002 DISP Press the RANGE button. 14.002 DISP Select Average (Soft Key 3). 14.003 HEAD AVG AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {300mV Range} 14.004 5500 0.00mV S 2W 14.005 MEMI Enter UUT reading in volts AC: 14.006 MEME 14.007 MEMC 300 mV 0.40U 15.001 5500 300 30.00mV 0.60U 30kH SI 2W 16.001 5500 300 290.00mV 6.20U 50kH SI 2W 17.001 HEAD AVG AC VOLTAGE TESTS: {1000V Range} 17.002 5500 1000 1000.00V 19U 1kH SI 2W 18.001 HEAD {DC VOLTAGE} 18.002 HEAD DC VOLTAGE TESTS: {30V Range} 18.003 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to VDC. 18.004 5500 30 29.00V 0.009U 2W 19.001 HEAD DC VOLTAGE TESTS: {300V Range} 19.002 5500 300 -290.00V 0.09U 2W 20.001 HEAD DC VOLTAGE TESTS: {1000V Range} 20.002 5500 1000 1000.00V 0.5U 2W 21.001 HEAD DC VOLTAGE TESTS: {Rel Mode} 21.002 5500 0.0V S 2W 21.003 DISP Select Rel (Soft Key 1). 21.004 5500 1000.00V 0.4U 2W 22.001 DISP De-select Rel (Soft Key 1). 22.002 HEAD DC VOLTAGE TESTS: {Touch Hold} 22.003 5500 0.0V S 2W 22.004 DISP Press the TOUCH HOLD button. 22.005 5500 0.0V 0.2U 2W 23.001 HEAD DC VOLTAGE TESTS: {300mV Range} 23.002 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to mVDC. 23.003 5500 300 0.00mV 0.02U 2W 24.001 5500 300 15.00mV 0.02U 2W 25.001 HEAD DC VOLTAGE TESTS: {3000mV Range} 25.002 5500 3000 -2900.00mV 0.9U 2W 26.001 HEAD {DIODE TESTS} 26.002 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to Diode/Capacitance. 26.003 HEAD DIODE TESTS: {Auto} 26.004 5500 2.90V 0.30U 2W 27.001 5500 -2.90V S 2W 27.002 MATH MEM1 = -1 * MEM1 27.003 MEMI Enter UUT reading in volts DC: 27.004 MEME 27.005 MEMC V 0.30U 28.001 HEAD DIODE TESTS: {Manual} 28.002 DISP De-select Auto Diode (Soft Key 4). 28.003 5500 2.50V 0.0015U 2W 29.001 HEAD {CAPACITANCE TESTS} 29.002 DISP Select Capactance (Soft Key 5). 29.003 HEAD CAPACITANCE TESTS: {1uF Range} 29.004 5500 1 0.950uF 0.020U 2W 30.001 DISP Disconnect the 5500A from the UUT. 30.002 HEAD CAPACITANCE TESTS: {10000pF Range} 30.003 ASK- U 30.004 MATH MEM1 = 0.0 30.005 MEMI Enter UUT reading in picofarads: 30.006 MEME 30.007 MEMC 10000 pF 130.0U 31.001 ASK+ U 31.002 HEAD {RESISTANCE TESTS} 31.003 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to Ohms. 31.004 DISP Connect the 5500A to the UUT as follows: 31.004 DISP [32] 5500A AUX HI to UUT Volt Ohm Diode Input 31.004 DISP [32] 5500A AUX LO to UUT COM Input 31.004 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL HI to UUT Volt Ohm Diode Input 31.004 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL LO to UUT COM Input 31.005 HEAD RESISTANCE TESTS: {300 Ohm Range} 31.006 5500 300 0.00Z +0.10U CW 32.001 5500 300 290.00Z 0.30U CW 33.001 HEAD RESISTANCE TESTS: {3 kOhm Range} 33.002 5500 3 2.9000kZ 0.0022U CW 34.001 HEAD RESISTANCE TESTS: {30 kOhm Range} 34.002 5500 30 29.000kZ 0.022U CW 35.001 HEAD RESISTANCE TESTS: {300 kOhm Range} 35.002 DISP Connect the 5500A to the UUT as follows: 35.002 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL HI to UUT Volt Ohm Diode Input 35.002 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL LO to UUT COM Input 35.003 5500 300 290.00kZ 0.22U 2W 36.001 HEAD RESISTANCE TESTS: {3 MOhm Range} 36.002 5500 3 2.9000MZ 0.0046U 2W 37.001 HEAD RESISTANCE TESTS: {30 MOhm Range} 37.002 5500 30 10.000MZ 0.023U 2W 38.001 HEAD {CONDUCTANCE TESTS} 38.002 DISP Select nS (Soft Key 3). 38.003 HEAD CONDUCTANCE TESTS: {100nS Range} 38.004 5500 285.71nY 1.63U 2W 39.001 HEAD CONDUCTANCE TESTS: {1000nS Range} 39.002 5500 2857.1nY 16.3U 2W 40.001 DISP Disconnect the 5500A from the UUT. 40.002 HEAD {LOGIC TEST} 40.003 DISP Connect the PM 5139 to the UUT EXT TRIG and COM 40.003 DISP Inputs using a BNC cable and a BNC to dual banana 40.003 DISP adapter. 40.004 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to LOGIC. 40.004 DISP 40.004 DISP Select Advance when the numerical display appears. 40.005 DISP Select TTL (Soft Key 1). 40.006 DISP Setup the PM 5139 for a 2.0MHz, 1.5Vpp square, 40.006 DISP with 0.7Vdc offset. 40.007 ACC 2.0000MH TOL 40.008 MEMI Enter UUT reading in megahertz: 40.009 MEME 40.010 MEMC MH 0.0011U 1.5Vpp 41.001 HEAD {EXTERNAL TRIGGER} 41.002 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to mVDC. 41.002 DISP 41.002 DISP Select Advance when the numerical display appears. 41.003 DISP Press DISPLAY MODE. 41.004 DISP Press View (Soft Key 3). 41.005 DISP Press Trigger (Soft Key 2). 41.006 DISP Select External (Soft Key 4) and then Exit (Soft Key 5). 41.007 DISP Press Single Shot (Soft Key 3). 41.008 DISP Press Arm (Soft Key 1). 41.009 DISP Setup the PM 5139 for 2.0Vpp, 100kHz Pulse, 50% duty. 41.010 EVAL Did the UUT trigger? 42.001 DISP Press Exit (Soft Key 5). 42.002 HEAD {GLITCH CAPTURE} 42.003 DISP Move the PM 5139 connection to the UUT Volt Ohm Diode 42.003 DISP and COM Inputs. 42.004 DISP Press DISPLAY MODE. 42.005 DISP Press View (Soft Key 3). 42.006 DISP Press Glitch Capture (Soft Key 4). 42.007 DISP Press Arm (Soft Key 1). 42.008 DISP Setup the PM 5139 for 0.07Vpp, 10kHz Pulse, 50% duty. 42.009 EVAL Did the UUT trigger? 43.001 HEAD {DUTY CYCLE TEST} 43.002 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to VAC. 43.002 DISP 43.002 DISP Select Advance when the numerical display appears. 43.003 DISP Press the HZ/% button. 43.004 DISP Select Duty Cycle (Soft Key 2). 43.005 DISP Setup the PM 5139 for 0.2Vpp, 10kHz square, 50% duty. 43.006 ACC 50.0pct 0.1% 43.007 MEMI Enter UUT reading in percent: 43.008 MEME 43.009 MEMC pct 0.4U 44.001 HEAD {FREQUENCY TESTS} 44.002 DISP De-Select Duty Cycle (Soft Key 2). 44.003 HEAD FREQUENCY TESTS: {Autorange} 44.004 DISP Setup the PM 5139 for 800kHz, 0.21Vpp square. 44.005 ACC 800.00kH TOL 44.006 MEMI Enter UUT reading in kilohertz: 44.007 MEME 44.008 MEMC A kH 0.41U 0.21Vpp 45.001 DISP Disconnect the PM 5139 from the UUT. 45.002 DISP Connect the 5500A to the UUT as follows: 45.002 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL HI to UUT Volt Ohm Diode Input 45.002 DISP [32] 5500A NORMAL LO to UUT COM Input 45.003 5500 A 3.00H 0.02U 0.060V SI 2W 46.001 5500 A 500.00kH 0.26U 0.125Vpp SI 2W 47.001 5500 A 1.5000MH 0.0009U 2.1V SI 2W 48.001 DISP Connect the 5500A to the UUT as follows: 48.001 DISP [32] 5500A AUX HI to UUT mA/uA Input 48.001 DISP [32] 5500A AUX LO to UUT COM Input 48.002 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to mA/uA. 48.002 DISP 48.002 DISP Select Advance when the numerical display appears. 48.003 DISP Select AC (Soft Key 5). 48.004 HEAD FREQUENCY TESTS: {1000Hz Range} 48.005 DISP Select uA-100 Ohm (Soft Key 4). 48.006 DISP Press the HZ/% button. 48.007 5500 1000 10.00H 0.03U 30uA SI 2W 49.001 DISP Press Exit (Soft Key 5). 49.002 DISP Select mA-1 Ohm (Soft Key 4). 49.003 HEAD FREQUENCY TESTS: {10kHz Range} 49.004 DISP Press the HZ/% button. 49.005 5500 10 10.000kH 0.006U 3mA SI 2W 50.001 DISP Press Exit (Soft Key 5). 50.002 HEAD {DC CURRENT TESTS} 50.003 DISP Select DC (Soft Key 5). 50.004 HEAD DC CURRENT TESTS: {300uA Range} 50.005 DISP Select uA-100 Ohm (Soft Key 4). 50.006 5500 300 30.00uA 0.18U 2W #! WARNING: Test Tol 1.8e-007, Sys Tol 5.3e-008, TUR 3.3962 (< 4.00). 51.001 DISP Select mA-1 Ohm (Soft Key 4). 51.002 HEAD DC CURRENT TESTS: {30mA Range} 51.003 5500 30 21.000mA 0.026U 2W 52.001 HEAD {RMS AC CURRENT TESTS} 52.002 DISP Select AC (Soft Key 5). 52.003 HEAD RMS AC CURRENT TESTS: {30mA Range} 52.004 5500 30 21.000mA 0.440U 10kH SI 2W 53.001 HEAD RMS AC CURRENT TESTS: {300uA Range} 53.002 DISP Select uA-100 Ohm (Soft Key 4). 53.003 5500 300 30.00uA 0.80U 10kH SI 2W #! WARNING: Test Tol 8e-007, Sys Tol 4.32e-007, TUR 1.8519 (< 4.00). 54.001 HEAD {AVG AC CURRENT TESTS} 54.002 DISP Select Average (Soft Key 3). 54.003 HEAD AVG AC CURRENT TESTS: {300uA Range} 54.004 5500 0uA S 2W 54.005 MEMI Enter UUT reading in microamps: 54.006 MEME 54.007 MEMC 300 uA +1.5U 55.001 5500 300 210.00uA 6.2U 10kH SI 2W #! WARNING: Test Tol 6.2e-006, Sys Tol 2.124e-006, TUR 2.9190 (< 4.00). 56.001 HEAD {DC CURRENT TESTS} 56.002 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to A. 56.003 DISP Connect the 5500A to the UUT as follows: 56.003 DISP [32] 5500A AUX HI to UUT A Input 56.003 DISP [32] 5500A AUX LO to UUT COM Input 56.004 HEAD DC CURRENT TESTS: {3A Range} 56.005 5500 3 2.9000A 0.0073U 2W 57.001 HEAD {RMS AC CURRENT TESTS} 57.002 DISP Select AC (Soft Key 5). 57.003 HEAD RMS AC CURRENT TESTS: {3A Range} 57.004 5500 3 2.1000A 0.75% 0.0010U 3kH SI 2W #! WARNING: Test Tol 0.01675, Sys Tol 0.01302, TUR 1.1167 (< 4.00). 58.001 HEAD RMS AC CURRENT TESTS: {10A Range} 58.002 DISP Press the RANGE button. 58.002 DISP Press Range up (Soft Key 2) to select the 10A range. 58.003 5500 10 1.000A 0.018U 3kH SI 2W #! WARNING: Test Tol 0.018, Sys Tol 0.0073, TUR 2.4658 (< 4.00). 59.001 HEAD {AVG AC CURRENT TESTS} 59.002 DISP Press the RANGE button. 59.002 DISP Select Average (Soft Key 3). 59.003 HEAD AVG AC CURRENT TESTS: {3A Range} 59.004 5500 3 2.100A 0.75% 0.010U 3kH SI 2W #! WARNING: Test Tol 0.02575, Sys Tol 0.01302, TUR 1.7167 (< 4.00). 60.001 HEAD {COMPONENT TEST} 60.002 DISP Connect the Fluke 85 to the UUT as follows: 60.002 DISP [32] 85 VOLT OHM DIODE to UUT Volt Ohm Diode 60.002 DISP [32] 85 COM to UUT COM 60.003 DISP Rotate the Fluke 85 function switch to VAC. 60.003 DISP Rotate the UUT function switch to COMPONENT TEST. 60.004 ACC 2.85V 1% 0.002U 60.005 MEMI Enter Fluke 85 reading in volts: 60.006 MEMC 2.85V 0.65U 200H 61.001 DISP Connect the Fluke 85 to the UUT as follows: 61.001 DISP [32] 85 mA uA to UUT Volt Ohm Diode 61.001 DISP [32] 85 COM to UUT COM 61.002 DISP Rotate the Fluke 85 function switch to uAAC. 61.003 ACC 210uA 0.6% 0.2U 61.004 MEMI Enter Fluke 85 reading in microamps: 61.005 MEMC 210uA 46U 200H 62.001 END #! T.U.R.s less than 4.00: 7 #! T.U.R.s estimated using RANGE value: 0 #! T.U.R.s not calculated (ASK- U): 1 #! T.U.R.s not computable at compile time: 2